Gold Mining Mineral Grade Report: Information Consolidation for Detailed Reports After Each Shift 21/11/2023 – By Frederico Sampaio, Head of Operations at VettaGold mining is a complex process involving the extraction of mineral grade expectations at various stages, from identifying mineral...
Vetta revolutionizes production report digitization in gold mining Solution allows faster and more accurate decision-making in a highly competitive marketNovember 8, 2023 – By Frederico Sampaio, Head of Operations at VettaGold mining is a complex activity that...
Implementation of CI/CD Process for Mobile Applications (GitLab/Bitrise) by Vetta Transforms Multinational Automotive Group's App Development Pipeline With the service provided by Vetta, the automotive group was able to accelerate the development and delivery of new versions of its mobile applications, improving software quality and saving time and...
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