Industrial Decarbonization: Towards a Sustainable Future in Industry Understand how Vetta Solutions can contribute to a significant reduction in carbon emissions
Excellence in Digital Project Management Maximize the potential of your company's digital projects with Vetta


HR Experience: Vetta and SMS Expertise in Conversion The event promotes the building of bonds between the teams of the two companies and the joint search for innovative solutions on the topic of people management

Business cases

Gold Mining Mineral Grade Report: Information Consolidation for Detailed Reports After Each Shift 21/11/2023 – By Frederico Sampaio, Head of Operations at VettaGold mining is a complex process involving the extraction of mineral grade expectations at various stages, from identifying mineral...
Vetta revolutionizes production report digitization in gold mining Solution allows faster and more accurate decision-making in a highly competitive marketNovember 8, 2023 – By Frederico Sampaio, Head of Operations at VettaGold mining is a complex activity that...
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