iconIntegrates and improves decision-making for gas balance

In the hot metal and steel manufacturing processes, most steelmaking gases can be used as fuel in other processes such as generation of electricity, reheating furnaces, sintering, pelletizing, calcination, etc. Integrated sites that are configured to use these gases as fuels in downstream processes face very dynamic and complex situations. Lack of visibility and transparency between isolated production units leads to energy waste through excessive flaring, increasing costs and carbon emissions. The gas dispatch problem in integrated sites requires a global perspective and often presents significant room for improvement.

The Viridis Dispatch tackles specifically the challenge of optimizing the distribution of steelmaking gases and steam in integrated plants. This powerful tool uses sophisticated artificial intelligence methods such as machine learning and evolutionary algorithms to simulate and optimize different operational scenarios. It determines optimal dispatch process parameters and setpoints to quickly find the best-available decisions associated with the distribution of gases and steam, seeking to minimize flaring, maximize downstream equipment performance, maximize energy generation, all while considering operational and safety restrictions. The use of Viridis Dispatch is based on non-intrusive process fine-tuning and adjustments to improve productivity, reduce operational risks, and enable cost and emission reductions. Sites that use Viridis Dispatch have achieved improvements in energy performance with significant economic gains as well as reduced carbon footprints.

Reduced flaring and energy waste
Reduced carbon footprint
Increased electricity generation
Reduced risk of production problems due to unavailability of resources and concurrency with other processes
Reduced production costs
Increased productivity


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