In recent years, a large number of programs and initiatives for digital transformation have been observed by companies around the world. Digital transformation has become not only a means of achieving improvements in operational efficiency but also a mandatory path to ensure the competitiveness and continuity of businesses.

As the world advances with new digitization technologies, it is essential that all operational information, which previously remained solely within the scope of production areas, be immediately available and accessible via a computer or smartphone within the corporate network. Integration and information reliability are crucial for robust digitization and operational optimization. The market trend has been the convergence of governance between IT and Automation, or IT-OT (Information Technology – Operational Technology) convergence, taking into account and adhering to the operational and safety requirements and peculiarities of each environment.

In addition to integration, it is fundamental that operations and systems work as harmonious hierarchical levels, as it is not possible to optimize a supply chain, for example, if the individual components of that chain are not optimized. To harness the full potential of digitization systems (level 3 and 4), it is necessary that the lower levels (level 1, 2, and 3) operate at maximum efficiency.

In this regard, Vetta's proposal for providing solutions encompasses not only digitization systems but complete end-to-end solutions: from the origin of the information (field signal) to the business intelligence screen or optimization system.

Since the company's founding, Vetta has been engaged in industrial automation projects for clients across various market segments. With the convergence and needs of digitization, we have further reinforced our focus on industrial automation, particularly in the following areas:

Control Systems:
Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs), Distributed Control Systems (DCSs), and industrial PCs that manage and control the operation of machines, processes, and equipment.
Human-Machine Interface Systems (HMI):
Graphical interfaces for operators and engineers to monitor and interact with industrial processes. They offer real-time data visualization, alarms, and controls.
SCADA Systems (Supervisory Control Data Acquisition):
Real-time data acquisition, visualization, and supervisory functions to enable remote control of equipment and processes (initiate actions, change setpoints, etc.).
Robotic Automation Systems:
Programming of robotic solutions for tasks such as material handling, assembly, welding, painting, and inspection.
Andon Video Wall Systems:
Visual management tools used in manufacturing and industrial environments to provide real-time information on production process status on the factory floor.
Data Historian Systems (PIMS – Process Information Management System):
Systems that collect, gather, compress, store, organize, contextualize, analyze, and present data related to various processes and operations to provide insights into process and plant efficiency.
IoT Gateway Edge Computing:
Enable efficient and intelligent data integration and processing at the network edge in Internet of Things (IoT) deployments in industrial and non-industrial environments.
Computer Vision Solutions:
Advanced visual technology to automate, optimize, and enhance various processes within industrial environments, ranging from quality control and object recognition to security monitoring.
Integration of SMS Group Products:
Integration of the DataXpert portfolio from Paul Wurth, including BFXpert, CokeXpert, RulesExpert, AIXpert, etc., to execute rules and models for real-time asset and process optimization at level 2. Integration of E&A XPact products from SMS Group, for all different processes in the metals and mining industry. Integration of other SMS Group products, such as yard management, crane operations, conveyor belt operations, Smart Safety Guard, etc.
Analysis, design, and development of a solution to resolve an automation and digital problem, considering technical, governance, and economic aspects.

Are you unsure how to solve a problem in your company? Vetta can help you identify, detail, and propose the best technical and economically viable solution for your business.


Transforming business to improve the world!

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