HR Experience: Vetta and SMS Expertise in Conversion

The event promotes the building of bonds between the teams of the two companies and the joint search for innovative solutions on the topic of people management

01/02/2024 – By Andressa Guimarães & Thalitta Sotte

This week, Vetta and SMS Brasil held, in partnership, the event "HR Experience: Vetta and SMS Expertise in Conversion," on January 29, 30, and 31. The meetings fostered knowledge exchange and alignment of strategies between the People teams of both companies, aiming to explore innovative solutions together.

The People and Management Coordinator of SMS Brasil, Manuela Duarte, explained that "our main objective with the realization of this event was to promote the building of bonds between our teams and, from this first meeting, find synergistic points and one company learning from the other, adapting what makes sense for each business."

To guide the discussions, the employee journey was used, which is an important driver to follow employees in companies. On the first day, there was a deep dive into Engagement and Attraction strategies. On the second day, the focus was on Integration and Development processes. Finally, on the third day, a discussion on Talent Management was promoted.

According to Vetta's HR Manager, Thalitta Sotte, "The event was very important for us to exchange experiences, generating insights about conducting processes related to the employee journey in an immersive and analytical way. We thank everyone for their dedication, engagement, and participation."

Vetta and SMS Brasil reinforce their commitment to continue dedicated to improving people management processes and the experience of employees from both companies, so that together we can shape the future of our planet.


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